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How to become super successful

How to become super successful? You might ask this question to yourself every day. Lemme tell you some steps to be successful in life. The only thing you need is to just stick to these steps at any cost.

Do you know only 1% of the whole population are successful? So what we can is to follow the steps taken by this 1%.

These 1%-

1.Value Education Over Entertainment
Poor people value entertainment.
They spend their time watching television, playing video games, screwing around on social media, and wasting their time.
Rich people don’t.
They value education and constant growth.
They read every single day. They attend seminars. They hire coaches. If they watch television or play video games, they do so in a strategic manner designed to help they recharge, not to distract themselves from the tasks at hand.
I’ve never met someone who reads nonfiction books every day for 30–60 minutes and isn’t wealthy. (With the rare exception of individuals who read all day but never take action.)
If you want to join the 1%, then this is where you start.
Double down on your education.
Learn about sales, marketing, psychology, high performance, productivity, business systems, and finance.
Put down the remote and pick up a book.
It changed my life and it will change yours too.
2. Have a Plan and Stick to It
One of the key habits that differentiate high performers (1%’ers) from the rest of the population is that they are proactive instead of reactive.
Let me show you what I mean.
Your average person watches 4 hours of television every night.
They go to bed exhausted with no plan for the next day.
They wake up, hit snooze several times, and then rush to get out of bed and make it to their job on time.
When they arrive, they have no plan and spend the morning aimlessly answering emails and dealing with drama.
They are barely able to accomplish the important tasks of the day and come home having accomplished nothing… Just to do it all over again.
A 1%’er (or soon to be 1%’er), on the other hand, live differently.
Every night, they write out what they accomplished that day and what their plan is for the following day.
They have a clear list of priorities that they plan to accomplish.
They wake up before they need to, spend a few minutes exercising, reading, journaling, and meditating before going to work or building their business.
When they start their day, they know exactly what needs to be done and why.
They methodically move through their most valuable priorities, avoiding distractions like email, social media, and water cooler talk.
When the day ends, they’ve accomplished at least one or two of their biggest priorities and they learn from their mistakes so that they can avoid making those mistakes the next day.
THAT is the difference between the 1% and everyone else.
Luckily, this isn’t all that hard.
Start by writing out a plan for the next 5 years of your life and figure out exactly what you want to accomplish.
Based on that document, plan for every day the night before. Put your gym clothes, journal, and book somewhere that they are easy to access and move your alarm across the room so that you can’t hit snooze.
This simple shift will radically alter your days and put you in a state of proactivity vs. reactivity.
3. Invest Their Money In Themselves and Other Appreciating Assets
Poor people spend money. Rich people invest.
I don’t mean that they invest in stocks, real estate, or cryptocurrencies (although many do).
They simply invest their money into appreciating assets… Namely, themselves.
Whereas poor people will spend their money on the latest pair of Jordan’s, cars they can’t afford, and giant television sets, rich people are different.
1%’ers are notorious for spending lavishly on their own personal development and performance.
They will spend thousands (sometimes millions) of dollars on advanced training, high-performance coaching, books, seminars, and lectures.
They invest in high-quality supplements and a healthy diet that allows them to have high energy and enthusiasm throughout the day.
If you want to join the 1% then you must stop spending your money on pointless crap that doesn’t serve you.
Buy clothes at Walmart, drive a used car, and downsize your house.
Take ALL of the money you are saving and invest it in yourself.
Buy a huge library of books. Spend thousands on online marketing courses. Attend personal development seminars. Hire business and life coaches to help you break through to the next level.
Invest in yourself (and eventually in other money making assets) and you will eventually join the 1%.
4. Work On the Right Things
Poor people work on whatever is in front of them, rich people work on what’s most important to them.
Poor people will work their job, collect their $40,000 a year, and go on with their lives.
Rich people (or soon to be rich people) will wake up early so that they can write their book, grow their business, and build their legacy.
They don’t work on the things that are easy. They work on the things that will get them results.
If they have to, they will work longer hours than anyone else so they can build their dreams.
They know the power of saying “No” to things that don’t serve their ultimate vision and they have a laser focus on their #1 most important goal.
5. Lay One Brick a Day
1%’ers operate by a philosophy known as “Kaizen” which loosely translates to “Small daily improvement”.
They don’t try to change everything all at once.
They are patient. They lay one brick a day.
Whether it’s writing 1,000 words in their book, spending 1 hour on acquiring new leads for a marketing agency, or reading 10 pages a day, they do something every single day that will help them achieve their goal in the long run.
They know that it’s the tiny actions (not the grand leaps) that determine a person’s destiny.
They understand the power of the compound effect.
1% compounded over ten years is a 3,650% improvement.
That’s the difference between earning $100,000 a year and earning $3.6 million a year.
Tap into this power and your life will change forever… IF you play the long game.
6. Play the Long Game
1%’ers understand that life is a game played in years and decades, not months.
They have goals for the next 30 and 90 days, yes. But they are more considerate of the next decade and how their actions today will impact them 10, 20, 30, and 40 years from now.
They act with a sense of urgency, but they don’t expect results to come quickly.
They simply take small daily actions every day knowing that one day, the results will compound and they will have the life of their dreams.
7. Value the Power of Networking
1%’ers have allies. The 99% has friends.
Rich people understand the value of networking and giving value to others with no expectation of anything in return.
They intentionally build a network of people who are better than they are in their field. People who make them uncomfortable and insecure. People who challenge them to rise above mediocrity and achieve a life of success and integrity.

Stay hungry, be Foolish 


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