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Showing posts from October, 2018

How to be more productive and add more time in your life

Imagine I magically added hours of time to your day. You would have more time to do what you love, whether that is relaxing, time with family, reading, working, etc.. Well this is your lucky day! In the next  minute  or so, I will share hacks that will  add HOURS to your day, every day. 1. Install a Facebook feed-blocker and the StayFocused Chrome extension. Since I’ve installed a feed-blocker, I have  saved AT LEAST 30 minutes a day that I would have otherwise spent on  Facebook . As for StayFocused, I have put 10 minute  time limits on Instagram , where I could otherwise spend north of 2 hours a day scrolling around [check settings in your iPhone. It tells you exactly how much time you’re wasting on there..] I also delete my social media apps on my phone when I want to be extra productive and therefore force myself to only access them from a desktop. 2. Put your phone in another room when you start working or come home. Make it hard for...

How to become mentally strong: Tips and techniques

1. Never ever get uncomfortable. If you are uncomfortable, it means there is something you fear from. Don’t let fear ruling you! You will see they don’t even exist. 2. Fake it till you make it. Perception beats reality. Before I start doing something challenging, this is simply what I do. If the goal is too keep yourself mentally strong, don’t hesitate to believe you are. I bet it works. 3. Say it out loud! Say what you want out loud. It is that much simple to keep yourself motivated and so mentally strong. 4. Try to define actions reversely. Maybe you call yourself a procrastinator or late doer. This is not the true way of defining your actions. Approach from the different perspective and say you are able to do it such quick that you don’t even need to start so early. 5. Act of kindness. I think act of kindness interestingly and impressively increases the level of happiness. You should also try. 6. Try to spend time with motivated people. In ...