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How to get high IQ

We all want high IQ, isn't it?. Some of you might think it is very difficult to get high IQ but do you know it is very easy to get high IQ with proper technique. The one thing you require is to follow right technique and time and dedication.  

With the help of this post let me guide you how we all can get high IQ just by following few simple steps.

Before listing all the steps, let me tell you a story-

In college, I read about my favorite author, Isaac Asimov, when he went to school. He said that when he studied, he would take the first week and read ALL his textbooks, cover to cover. While everyone else was meeting, and partying, he isolated himself and simply read. I decided to try that too. I read all the assigned textbooks. A lot I did not understand. Much was Greek to me. I didn't know what was important or not or what I was supposed to glean from the readings. Some I got. Some I didn't. But then something happened. When I went to classes, the teacher would lecture... and I would understand a lot more than my peers. They thought I was a genius, but it was just that I had read ahead. Most students didn't read their assignments until AFTER the lectures and because of that much of what they heard was lost. Somehow, perhaps by the reading, I understood more. I had read but not understood, but I was somehow primed for his explanations and found that what I had read before, I now made sense. Sometimes I could see where he was going. How this current chapter led to the next. In history class, I could see how this event would lead to that next one that my classmates did not know was coming. While most of my classmates struggled and were lost and confused, I found that everything I did was basically review. I found I could frame more intelligent questions, and the instructor gave more meaningful answers. Indeed, many lectures consisted of the professor having a conversation with me in the front row, while everyone else listened, often confused and lost (they were often unwilling witnesses of unseen events). The instructor was grateful that SOMEONE 'got it'. Thereafter, I did this every term. Where I had entered college afraid I would fail and drop out. I found myself excelling far beyond my peers. I changed my major from biology to physics... and completed my coursework in two years. My third year I worked at Argonne National Laboratories as an undergraduate research assistant. My senior year, I transferred to University of Illinois and earned a second bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering, in only three semesters.

So, How to get high IQ?

  1. By asking questions endlessly.
  2. Reading ahead.
  3. Reading extensively, and going wherever your curiosity takes you. 
  4. Enjoy the journey. 
Curiosity is the greatest gift that you do not want to waste.

Stay hungry and be foolish.


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