- Throw out your TV - Let’s be honest here, do you actually feel relaxed after watching TV? Or is it merely a distraction from the stress? You could use that time so much better by just taking a walk, napping or letting a bath in. Just throw the TV out. It’s not helpful.
- Start scheduling your day - Scheduling your time often seems like it imprisons us to a calendar, when in fact it is just a way to get more disciplined about what you want to do. Your calendar does NOT have to be unpleasant!
- Wake up early - Get up at 4 a.m. and beat the sun up to the morning! The feeling of getting stuff done before people even wake up makes your entire day feel more empowered!
- Meditate - Sit still for 2 hours every day for 7 days. You will get to know more about yourself in those 7 days than you have for the majority of your life, because you will actually spend the time to listen.
- Make a Plan - What do you want out of your future? Why? Once you figure this out make the most effective plan to get there. What do you NEED to do to succeed?
- Love yourself - Speak kindly to yourself and stop the self-loathing and self-hate. Since you spend 24 hours a day with yourself, you better make sure that you are your own best support and ally, instead of your own worst enemy and hater.
- Track your habits - I don’t care how disciplined you are, you will miss a ton of value by not tracking and checking your habits off every day. Keep your eyes on what matters and make them work for you!
- Say “NO” more often - Give a clear, loud, undeniable NO to the things you do not want to and do not have to do. Spend less time doing things you hate and delegate those things if you can.
- Say “YES” more often - On the other hand, say YES to the things that scare you, make you uncomfortable, the things that excite you and the ones that seem like fun. Step out of your comfort zone and explore the world a bit; you’d be surprised at how much you’ve missed so far!
- Write down 3 Things you are proud of for that day - We focus so much on all the negatives that it’s no wonder we feel like our lives are crap, but it doesn’t mean that only negative things exist. All you have to do is shift your focus to see the brighter side of life. It’s right there next to you!
- Humor yourself with Life - Just like in a roller coaster ride, you can hold on to your seat for life and death, or you can throw your hands up in the air and laugh loudly! Life only needs to be as serious as you make it.
Reading is telepathy, and a book is the most powerful technology invented. Homer, Shakespeare, Voltaire, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Woolf, Hemingway — these are names without a living body. We can’t talk to them, nor touch them, but their thoughts are immortalized through the written word. Aristotle’s logic, Kepler’s astronomy, Newton’s physics, Darwin’s biology, Wittgenstein's philosophy — these are memes without living originators. They no longer champion their ideas, and yet, we still talk about them. Without books, humans would never have escaped the boundaries of space and time. Each new generation would have had to learn the realities of life for themselves rather having the luxury to build on the past; knowledge accumulation would have quickly dimmed towards an asymptote. Everything that we value in the modern world has its root in invention of writing. Everything that we have accomplished has come from reading. Even on an individual level, one of the most effective way...
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