- Get 8–9 hours of sleep every night. Don’t worry about waking up early. I spent almost 27 years in the military and had to wake up early almost every morning. I hated it. Since retiring, I now get up when I wake up. Eight hours of sleep works for me and I am always well rested. Your body, your rules. Get up when you are rested.
- Drink water. Lots of it.
- Be grateful.
- Forgive easily. Especially forgive yourself.
- Be kind. Especially be kind to yourself.
- Say “no”. And yes you can do that kind. Our time is limited. Use it wisely.
- Live below your means. Put a portion of your income away for a rainy day.
- Learn to like yourself.
- Learn to be alone.
- Read.
- Workout. Do some sort of activity every single day to get the blood flowing.
- Stretch every day.
- Breathe deeply.
- Don’t sweat the small stuff.
- Hold yourself and others to a higher standard. When others fail, see number 4. When you fail, see number 4.
- Create huge audacious dreams and then break them down into actionable units.
- Create a to-do list of 2–3 actionable units (see number 16) to work on the next day. Schedule those units and complete them.
- Learn something, anything, every single day.
- Do something that scares you every single day.
- Choose to be happy.
Reading is telepathy, and a book is the most powerful technology invented. Homer, Shakespeare, Voltaire, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Woolf, Hemingway — these are names without a living body. We can’t talk to them, nor touch them, but their thoughts are immortalized through the written word. Aristotle’s logic, Kepler’s astronomy, Newton’s physics, Darwin’s biology, Wittgenstein's philosophy — these are memes without living originators. They no longer champion their ideas, and yet, we still talk about them. Without books, humans would never have escaped the boundaries of space and time. Each new generation would have had to learn the realities of life for themselves rather having the luxury to build on the past; knowledge accumulation would have quickly dimmed towards an asymptote. Everything that we value in the modern world has its root in invention of writing. Everything that we have accomplished has come from reading. Even on an individual level, one of the most effective way...
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