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Some tips and tricks for financial independence

  1. 90% of the people don’t save. Therefore 90% of the people are poor.
  2. Most people spend money to buy things they don’t need with money they don’t have.
  3. Saving is the habit of the rich. Spending is the habit of the poor.
  4. In order to switch from poverty to riches, one only needs to switch their poverty mindset with a rich one.
  5. Financial independence is simply a state of mind that attracts better money management habits.
  6. Financial independence is the ability to live for the rest of your mortal life without having to work for money.
  7. The poor work for money. The rich work for pleasure.
  8. Never work for money. Have money work for you.
  9. Never build a business. Build a system.
  10. Show me a poor man that can manage money and I’ll show you a fish that lived on land.
  11. The poor and the rich none had an advantage over the other. Both were born in the same neighborhood, played the same games, ate the same food, traveled in the same bus to school, went to the same school.
  12. Money is an effect - not a cause. It only becomes a cause when you want to consume food and other things.
  13. Money is attracted by value. So does wealth.
  14. Money is important but not essential.
  15. Money doesn’t talk - it only attracts people who talk about it.
  16. Money (bank notes) is not made of paper. It’s cloth made of special cotton from the Himalayas.
  17. The wealthiest place on earth is not the gold mines of South Africa, the Oil wells of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or Iraq.
  18. The wealthiest place on earth is the graveyard, for the graveyard has swallowed dreams that were never realized, great men and women who never attained their potential.
  19. If you have a million dollars, that’s your money. Take your girlfriend, your wife or your spouse on a tour of the world; visit exotic places, see the world, enjoy life before you die. Life is short.
  20. If you have a billion dollars, that’s not your money. That’s money belonging to the community. The community has entrusted it to you because it doesn’t trust the government will manage it better than you.
  21. Don’t chase wealth. Instead, chase the knowledge and wisdom to manage and keep wealth. Then wealth will love you.
  22. Sacrifice to serve others - even for free. Then others will be indebted to you.
  23. The new landlord is the ordinary person with extraordinary money management skills.
  24. The new real estate is not built on land. It is built on the Internet. It sits on millions of interconnected computers, networks and software being driven by millions of people conducting every conceivable activity under the sun and beyond.
  25. In the new dispensation, information is not power. The ability to sell that information is the real POWER.
  26. In the new dispensation it’s not the oldest who becomes rich first, but the youngest.
  27. Whether you’re an individual, a business or a church, the internet is the place to be. Otherwise, watch your customers or your church members exit through the door.
  28. The price to pay to become rich is not as high as the price to wait until you die poor.
  29. The richest person in the world is not the man or woman with the most money, but the man or woman with the most LOVE.
  30. Bank notes, coins and bitcoins are old currency. People and audiences are the new currency.
  31. Wealth has wings and it has the habit to migrate like flamingos. It only feels comfortable where it’s well nourished, loved and shared generously.
  32. Wealth does not comprise of money alone. Wealth comprises of good health, people, love and happiness.
  33. I don’t believe much in myths, but there’s this Indian myth that keeps bothering my mind.


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